Moderators are people whose job is to watch over the board and make sure everybody is following our rules.
Moderators become moderators or MODS by admin.When a Moderator is chosen,it means that person has been a loyal member and deserves a reward.
Moderators can:
Edit or Delete posts
Merge or Transfer posts to another Category
Ban users.
Kick them/Ban them from the chat room
Get access to certain information.
Moderators CANNOT make members moderators.They are not allowed to release any information released to them by admin.Anybody hounding the moderators will be put on a 1 week ban and the ban will grow.
Our current moderators are as follows:
Chatbox/Forum Moderator - Mistylover;Krista
Forum Moderator - Stitchon
If you see something on the board that says: Moderators:Moderator That means all moderators are watching over all boards.
I hope this helped,post any questions or comments if you have any. [ Moderators add to this post if necessary ]