Creating backgrounds is the easiest kind of graphic. You need only 4-5 minutes to ctreate acool background witch you can use for wallpapers, logos or any kind of graphic.
Exapmle number one1. Open new window
As always, we begin creating the backgorund with opening new window. This time we will create a background for wallpapers, so we will use the size 1024x768 pixels, and we will begin with black backgorund color.
2. Add noise
Again, as in the rain efect, we will use noise. Just, this time we're going to add a different kind of a noise. Got to Effects
Add noise. Insert the following numbers:
- Noise type: Uniform
- Color mode: Intensity
- Color: White
- Level: 75
- Density: 90
3. Edge Detect
Got to Effects
Edge detect. Set:
- Backgorund color: Other, Green
- Sentitivity: 1
4. Kids are playing!
Add a Kid's play effect and you're almost done! Set the parametetrs liek this:
- Game: Finger Paint
- Size: 20
- Complete: 100
- Brightness: 10
- Rotation: 319
5. Final Touch (not nessesary)
Now, you can add Vignette effect. Go to Effects
Vignette. Set the following:
- Color: Black
- Shape: Elipse
- Offset: 114
- Fade: 100
And that's it! You have just made one cool background!
More examples to come